SDG 2 Global Social
Cancion: Hambre Cero
Letra: Julio Kempf
Music: Nicolás Suárez Eyzaguirre
Coro: Coral Infantil Municipal Voces del Cielo
Director Photography: Gabriel Rocha

Center for Community Assistance
Center for Community Assistance – Plataforma
Around 100,000 people live in Bario Los Lotos, one of the poorest districts on the edge of Santa Cruz at the transition to the Chaco Desert. It's very dusty there, the wind blows in from the desert. There are no trees, no bushes, just great heat.
Plataforma is, among other things, a daycare center where children can be accommodated free of charge. They are mainly migrant children of people from Haiti or Venezuela. Better said - a social platform with evening school, meeting place, Adult education, soup kitchen, sports clubs, computer center…
We, the Children and Youth Committee, represent the interests of children and young people from Saalfeld.
At our meetings we discuss the city's current issues and advocate for children's rights worldwide.