
On SDG point 2 - No Hunger - we at Plataforma Solidaria held several meetings with low-income children from the Barrio Los Lotes with the participation of representatives from Plataforma Solidaria and ASOMER as well as sociology students from the University of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
At these meetings, the children should think about what they can do to ensure that there is no more hunger in the world and in their city. Here are some answers from the children:
The government should give parents jobs so that children do not lack good food. CIOMARA BAÑÓN CASTRO (12 years):
That the government raises awareness among the population so that people help those who have nothing. HERLAN CASTRO CRUZ (11 years):
Work for those most in need and help the sick, hospital patients, people and children with dengue fever.
EMILY CASTRO CRUZ (13 years old): So that the world understands the sentence “No one should be denied a plate of food.” The government should conduct a census and see if they can help those in need of food and medicine.
I would help by providing jobs and food. I would help people who are sick and give them money so they can buy the food and medicine they need.
Helping each other in the community and having solidarity with other people and not discriminating against each other.
To think about other people, what they suffer because they can't even get a plate of food a day, and to show solidarity with them by putting ourselves in their shoes.
SDG 2 – No Hunger - Definition
Fight hunger worldwide!
End hunger, healthy nutrition for all, secure the future of agriculture!
End hunger worldwide, ensure healthy nutrition for all, promote sustainable agriculture!
Although enough food is produced worldwide for all people, thousands die every day from malnutrition. A quarter of the world's population still does not have regular access to safe and sufficient food. According to an estimate by the United Nations, 800 million people are undernourished. The right to food is an internationally recognized human right.
Sustainability Goal No. 2 calls for ending hunger worldwide, ensuring healthy nutrition for all and promoting sustainable agriculture locally.