We are GlobalSocial-network e.V. –
We help locally committed people in socially disadvantaged areas around the world.
The GlobalSocial -network e.V. (“GS-n”) association was founded as an umbrella organization for global social and ecological projects in 2018 on the initiative of Axel Brümmer. We provide a structure for building up the ideas and projects of locally committed people and at the same time provide financial support through donations.
Our local partners are encouraged to provide children with education about their own culture and the cultures of other peoples. This should not only help to strengthen awareness of one's own identity, but also promote the realization that we are all human and can only shape a positive future in a world worth living in together.
In this sense, “GS-n” creates links between similar projects in different countries so that they can get to know each other, learn from each other and support each other. This creates a global, supportive and motivating network that is supported by a cross-border sense of community. - And the common goal of preserving the diversity of cultures and the health of our planet.

SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goal.
The Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the Global Sustainable Development Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as Agenda 2030. The agenda is a roadmap for the future.
With the 2030 Agenda, the global community wants to enable a humane life worldwide and at the same time permanently preserve the natural basis of life.

The United Nations has agreed on 17 goals for sustainable development (17 Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs), from “No Poverty” to “Gender Equality”, from “High-Quality Education” to “Climate Protection Measures”. This CD contains 17 songs, created in collaboration between children and youth groups from Thuringia and other parts of Germany with partners from GlobalSocial-network e.V. around the world.
The Song Project
For a year, 17 German-international project teams worked intensively on the 17 sustainability goals of the United Nations. Each team focused on a specific sustainability goal. 17 goals – 17 teams. The teams stayed in touch with each other via Zoom conferences and email communication and exchanged ideas to find solutions to challenges or at least raise awareness of them. Together they first developed key terms for the topics, from which the song lyrics emerged. These songs were composed and recorded all over the world by our international partners.
This is how 17 goals became 17 songs!
music connects
Our aim is not to explain the sustainability goals in detail, to present various national measures or to provide comprehensive scientific data and statistics on each topic. All of this information is available on numerous websites. Instead, we presented the sustainability goals as they were understood by the students by breaking them down into concrete ideas and actions locally, in our district and in our association's global projects. On the one hand, the thoughts and ideas of children and young people are expressed in the songs, while at the same time we present the initiatives and projects of GlobalSocial-network e.V.
We want to show how you can get involved and support each other, how networking and collaboration work and how closely the content of the 17 sustainability goals are interconnected. Because everything is connected: education with the fight against poverty, health with zero hunger, climate protection with the protection of life on land and with clean water, fewer inequalities with the desire for peace that unites us all...
In short: it's about THE BIG WHOLE and THE COMMON.
In the accompanying booklet you can find out more about the sometimes exciting and sometimes dramatic genesis of the songs. And you learn what the issues mean for people here and there and how we can work together on solutions. - May the work of all project partners inspire people to think and participate!
Now embark on a musical journey through the whole world - from India to Brazil, from Pakistan to Kenya and from Malaysia to Bolivia - with 17 songs that give hope for a future worth living.
Music connects across continents.
It opens our hearts and touches our souls.
Only TOGETHER can we solve the many problems that exist in our world.